Ali's Contributions

Progress of a sort…

Well I don’t know about you all, but we will be very glad to see the back of this winter. We have withstood some pretty extreme weather and the current intermittent snow showers are child’s play. These last two weeks we have been on a mission to clear the tons of woodchips that have been kindly donated to us and get them up onto the croft. Whilst it’s incredibly labour intensive it feels good to be outdoors doing some hard work instead of cowering indoors and feeling gloomy about yet another storm front coming in.

Thanks to Mick’s fledging drystone walling skills, we now have two beds ready to plant. There are 56 bags of woodchips in there. As a result, we have decided that we are not going to be planting any veg higher up the croft than the fank (ruin) – higher up the hill will become poultry park and the lower areas will be fruit and veg heaven.

Mick has also planted all of the trees that have been donated to us so far (thank you Matilda and the Leckmelm boys) and some have started to throw out leaves so we have a real sense of new beginnings.

Ulysses, our ancient cat finally shuffled off this mortal coil a few weeks ago and is now fertilising a weeping willow by the pond. A fitting resting place for our fiercely independent, semi wild companion for the last 17 years.

Today has been spent filling more bags with woodchips to be humphed up the hill when I get home so must dash and get them done before the light goes. Toodle pip for now.


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